Pain in the Low Back...

Results from the SPINE (Stimulating Points to Investigate Needling Efficacy) study, published May 11, 2009 reveals that not just one, but 3 different forms of Acupuncture were more effective at treating Low Back Pain (LBP) than western medicine. 638 chronic LBP adult patients were separated into 4 groups.  All groups received standard western medical care, but 3 groups were also treated with a form of Acupuncture.

1st Group: Needle Acupuncture at points individualized for each case.

2nd Group: Standardized Acupuncture that used a single prescription at points on the back and leg.

3rd Group: Simulated Acupuncture that involved pressing on points with a toothpick without penetrating the skin.

The SPINE researchers found that at 8-weeks all 3 Acupuncture groups were functioning far better with less pain than the group getting only standard medical care. What's more, additional follow-ups found the benefits of Acupuncture lasted for a year for many of these people. Acupuncture for back pain could be your solution. Learn more about what Garden Acupuncture can do for you!

Check out the article here, pass it on to those you know with Lower Back Pain.